
Rethinking content creation

We ensure that topics, content, and product information appropriate for specific channels and target groups are created in a way that speaks best to the audience. This can result in individualized social content, compelling content for traditional social channels, or a variety of different assets within a content creation hub.

A cell phone with a website on the screen.
A man taking a picture of a table with a cell phone.
A person holding a smartphone with a picture of a house on the screen.
A cell phone with a website on the screen.
A man taking a picture of a table with a cell phone.
A person holding a smartphone with a picture of a house on the screen.
A blue and white fabric with a blue and white bag on top of it.
A man taking a picture of another man in a suit
A brick box with a white line on top of it.
A blue and white fabric with a blue and white bag on top of it.
A man taking a picture of another man in a suit
A brick box with a white line on top of it.

Social Media

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M9 12L11 14L15.5 9.5M17.9012 4.99851C18.1071 5.49653 18.5024 5.8924 19.0001 6.09907L20.7452 6.82198C21.2433 7.02828 21.639 7.42399 21.8453 7.92206C22.0516 8.42012 22.0516 8.97974 21.8453 9.47781L21.1229 11.2218C20.9165 11.7201 20.9162 12.2803 21.1236 12.7783L21.8447 14.5218C21.9469 14.7685 21.9996 15.0329 21.9996 15.2999C21.9997 15.567 21.9471 15.8314 21.8449 16.0781C21.7427 16.3249 21.5929 16.549 21.4041 16.7378C21.2152 16.9266 20.991 17.0764 20.7443 17.1785L19.0004 17.9009C18.5023 18.1068 18.1065 18.5021 17.8998 18.9998L17.1769 20.745C16.9706 21.2431 16.575 21.6388 16.0769 21.8451C15.5789 22.0514 15.0193 22.0514 14.5212 21.8451L12.7773 21.1227C12.2792 20.9169 11.7198 20.9173 11.2221 21.1239L9.47689 21.8458C8.97912 22.0516 8.42001 22.0514 7.92237 21.8453C7.42473 21.6391 7.02925 21.2439 6.82281 20.7464L6.09972 19.0006C5.8938 18.5026 5.49854 18.1067 5.00085 17.9L3.25566 17.1771C2.75783 16.9709 2.36226 16.5754 2.15588 16.0777C1.94951 15.5799 1.94923 15.0205 2.1551 14.5225L2.87746 12.7786C3.08325 12.2805 3.08283 11.7211 2.8763 11.2233L2.15497 9.47678C2.0527 9.2301 2.00004 8.96568 2 8.69863C1.99996 8.43159 2.05253 8.16715 2.15472 7.92043C2.25691 7.67372 2.40671 7.44955 2.59557 7.26075C2.78442 7.07195 3.00862 6.92222 3.25537 6.8201L4.9993 6.09772C5.49687 5.89197 5.89248 5.4972 6.0993 5.00006L6.82218 3.25481C7.02848 2.75674 7.42418 2.36103 7.92222 2.15473C8.42027 1.94842 8.97987 1.94842 9.47792 2.15473L11.2218 2.87712C11.7199 3.08291 12.2793 3.08249 12.7771 2.87595L14.523 2.15585C15.021 1.94966 15.5804 1.9497 16.0784 2.15597C16.5763 2.36223 16.972 2.75783 17.1783 3.25576L17.9014 5.00153L17.9012 4.99851Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Social Media Concept

We develop a comprehensive concept for your social media presence. Core topics, content pillars, and format frameworks form the foundation. Building on this, we define your look and feel. An advertising strategy with measurable KPIs complements the tailored offering for your desired channel.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M15.9377 15.9377C19.3603 15.4795 22 12.548 22 9C22 5.13401 18.866 2 15 2C11.452 2 8.52049 4.63967 8.06227 8.06227M7.5 13L9 12V17.5M7.5 17.5H10.5M16 15C16 18.866 12.866 22 9 22C5.13401 22 2 18.866 2 15C2 11.134 5.13401 8 9 8C12.866 8 16 11.134 16 15Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Social Media Ads

Our campaigns reach your target audience precisely. We create tailored ads and monitor their performance. Through continuous optimization and detailed reports, we achieve measurable results for your success on social media.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M16.2 21H6.93137C6.32555 21 6.02265 21 5.88238 20.8802C5.76068 20.7763 5.69609 20.6203 5.70865 20.4608C5.72312 20.2769 5.93731 20.0627 6.36569 19.6343L14.8686 11.1314C15.2646 10.7354 15.4627 10.5373 15.691 10.4632C15.8918 10.3979 16.1082 10.3979 16.309 10.4632C16.5373 10.5373 16.7354 10.7354 17.1314 11.1314L21 15V16.2M16.2 21C17.8802 21 18.7202 21 19.362 20.673C19.9265 20.3854 20.3854 19.9265 20.673 19.362C21 18.7202 21 17.8802 21 16.2M16.2 21H7.8C6.11984 21 5.27976 21 4.63803 20.673C4.07354 20.3854 3.6146 19.9265 3.32698 19.362C3 18.7202 3 17.8802 3 16.2V7.8C3 6.11984 3 5.27976 3.32698 4.63803C3.6146 4.07354 4.07354 3.6146 4.63803 3.32698C5.27976 3 6.11984 3 7.8 3H16.2C17.8802 3 18.7202 3 19.362 3.32698C19.9265 3.6146 20.3854 4.07354 20.673 4.63803C21 5.27976 21 6.11984 21 7.8V16.2M10.5 8.5C10.5 9.60457 9.60457 10.5 8.5 10.5C7.39543 10.5 6.5 9.60457 6.5 8.5C6.5 7.39543 7.39543 6.5 8.5 6.5C9.60457 6.5 10.5 7.39543 10.5 8.5Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Content Creation

Our content team creates creative image and video contributions that showcase your building products in the best light. We develop compelling stories and execute them with strong visuals. From brainstorming to post-production, we ensure content that excites your target audience.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6.09436 11.2288C6.03221 10.8282 5.99996 10.4179 5.99996 10C5.99996 5.58172 9.60525 2 14.0526 2C18.4999 2 22.1052 5.58172 22.1052 10C22.1052 10.9981 21.9213 11.9535 21.5852 12.8345C21.5154 13.0175 21.4804 13.109 21.4646 13.1804C21.4489 13.2512 21.4428 13.301 21.4411 13.3735C21.4394 13.4466 21.4493 13.5272 21.4692 13.6883L21.8717 16.9585C21.9153 17.3125 21.9371 17.4895 21.8782 17.6182C21.8266 17.731 21.735 17.8205 21.6211 17.8695C21.4911 17.9254 21.3146 17.8995 20.9617 17.8478L17.7765 17.3809C17.6101 17.3565 17.527 17.3443 17.4512 17.3448C17.3763 17.3452 17.3245 17.3507 17.2511 17.3661C17.177 17.3817 17.0823 17.4172 16.893 17.4881C16.0097 17.819 15.0524 18 14.0526 18C13.6344 18 13.2237 17.9683 12.8227 17.9073M7.63158 22C10.5965 22 13 19.5376 13 16.5C13 13.4624 10.5965 11 7.63158 11C4.66668 11 2.26316 13.4624 2.26316 16.5C2.26316 17.1106 2.36028 17.6979 2.53955 18.2467C2.61533 18.4787 2.65322 18.5947 2.66566 18.6739C2.67864 18.7567 2.68091 18.8031 2.67608 18.8867C2.67145 18.9668 2.65141 19.0573 2.61134 19.2383L2 22L4.9948 21.591C5.15827 21.5687 5.24 21.5575 5.31137 21.558C5.38652 21.5585 5.42641 21.5626 5.50011 21.5773C5.5701 21.5912 5.67416 21.6279 5.88227 21.7014C6.43059 21.8949 7.01911 22 7.63158 22Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Community Management

We manage your social media channels with dedication and expertise. Daily interactions, quick responses, and active channel development are our focus. Regular analyses help us optimize performance and strengthen your online community.


<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M2 7.70178C2 6.20963 3.20963 5 4.70178 5C5.47706 5 6.16537 4.5039 6.41053 3.7684L6.5 3.5C6.54219 3.37343 6.56329 3.31014 6.58586 3.254C6.87405 2.53712 7.54939 2.05037 8.32061 2.00366C8.38101 2 8.44772 2 8.58114 2H15.4189C15.5523 2 15.619 2 15.6794 2.00366C16.4506 2.05037 17.126 2.53712 17.4141 3.254C17.4367 3.31014 17.4578 3.37343 17.5 3.5L17.5895 3.7684C17.8346 4.5039 18.5229 5 19.2982 5C20.7904 5 22 6.20963 22 7.70178V16.2C22 17.8802 22 18.7202 21.673 19.362C21.3854 19.9265 20.9265 20.3854 20.362 20.673C19.7202 21 18.8802 21 17.2 21H6.8C5.11984 21 4.27976 21 3.63803 20.673C3.07354 20.3854 2.6146 19.9265 2.32698 19.362C2 18.7202 2 17.8802 2 16.2V7.70178Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M12 16.5C14.4853 16.5 16.5 14.4853 16.5 12C16.5 9.51472 14.4853 7.5 12 7.5C9.51472 7.5 7.5 9.51472 7.5 12C7.5 14.4853 9.51472 16.5 12 16.5Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Reference concepts

We develop concepts for your reference presentation. After analyzing your communication, we create a plan for structuring it. This plan optimizes the presentation of your references for the website and social media – both textually and visually.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10 16H14M8.8 22H15.2C16.8802 22 17.7202 22 18.362 21.673C18.9265 21.3854 19.3854 20.9265 19.673 20.362C20 19.7202 20 18.8802 20 17.2V6.8C20 5.11984 20 4.27976 19.673 3.63803C19.3854 3.07354 18.9265 2.6146 18.362 2.32698C17.7202 2 16.8802 2 15.2 2H8.8C7.11984 2 6.27976 2 5.63803 2.32698C5.07354 2.6146 4.6146 3.07354 4.32698 3.63803C4 4.27976 4 5.11984 4 6.8V17.2C4 18.8802 4 19.7202 4.32698 20.362C4.6146 20.9265 5.07354 21.3854 5.63803 21.673C6.27976 22 7.11984 22 8.8 22ZM15 9C15 10.6569 13.6569 12 12 12C10.3431 12 9 10.6569 9 9C9 7.34315 10.3431 6 12 6C13.6569 6 15 7.34315 15 9Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Reference Reports

Your projects deserve compelling reports. To achieve this, we research, write, and align texts. We conduct interviews with architects and present your references in an engaging and informative manner for your target audience.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M16 8V5.2C16 4.0799 16 3.51984 15.782 3.09202C15.5903 2.71569 15.2843 2.40973 14.908 2.21799C14.4802 2 13.9201 2 12.8 2H5.2C4.0799 2 3.51984 2 3.09202 2.21799C2.71569 2.40973 2.40973 2.71569 2.21799 3.09202C2 3.51984 2 4.0799 2 5.2V12.8C2 13.9201 2 14.4802 2.21799 14.908C2.40973 15.2843 2.71569 15.5903 3.09202 15.782C3.51984 16 4.0799 16 5.2 16H8M12 15L14 17L18.5 12.5M11.2 22H18.8C19.9201 22 20.4802 22 20.908 21.782C21.2843 21.5903 21.5903 21.2843 21.782 20.908C22 20.4802 22 19.9201 22 18.8V11.2C22 10.0799 22 9.51984 21.782 9.09202C21.5903 8.71569 21.2843 8.40973 20.908 8.21799C20.4802 8 19.9201 8 18.8 8H11.2C10.0799 8 9.51984 8 9.09202 8.21799C8.71569 8.40973 8.40973 8.71569 8.21799 9.09202C8 9.51984 8 10.0799 8 11.2V18.8C8 19.9201 8 20.4802 8.21799 20.908C8.40973 21.2843 8.71569 21.5903 9.09202 21.782C9.51984 22 10.0799 22 11.2 22Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Complete Reference Management

We comprehensively manage your reference process: from research to publication. We contact architecture firms and photographers, create texts, and coordinate everything for a professional presentation.

Trade Fairs

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M21 16V21M21 21H16M21 21L15 15M3 3L9 9M16 3H21M21 3V8M21 3L3 21" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Exhibition concepts

Comprehensive trade fair concepts are the focus of our work. Booth design, theme selection, and communication strategy form the foundation. After analyzing the target group and trade fair priorities, we develop creative booth designs. Trade fair activities and accompanying communication round off the concept.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.5 12.5C8.5 12.5 9.8125 14 12 14C14.1875 14 15.5 12.5 15.5 12.5M14.75 7.5H14.76M9.25 7.5H9.26M7 18V20.3355C7 20.8684 7 21.1348 7.10923 21.2716C7.20422 21.3906 7.34827 21.4599 7.50054 21.4597C7.67563 21.4595 7.88367 21.2931 8.29976 20.9602L10.6852 19.0518C11.1725 18.662 11.4162 18.4671 11.6875 18.3285C11.9282 18.2055 12.1844 18.1156 12.4492 18.0613C12.7477 18 13.0597 18 13.6837 18H16.2C17.8802 18 18.7202 18 19.362 17.673C19.9265 17.3854 20.3854 16.9265 20.673 16.362C21 15.7202 21 14.8802 21 13.2V7.8C21 6.11984 21 5.27976 20.673 4.63803C20.3854 4.07354 19.9265 3.6146 19.362 3.32698C18.7202 3 17.8802 3 16.2 3H7.8C6.11984 3 5.27976 3 4.63803 3.32698C4.07354 3.6146 3.6146 4.07354 3.32698 4.63803C3 5.27976 3 6.11984 3 7.8V14C3 14.93 3 15.395 3.10222 15.7765C3.37962 16.8117 4.18827 17.6204 5.22354 17.8978C5.60504 18 6.07003 18 7 18ZM15.25 7.5C15.25 7.77614 15.0261 8 14.75 8C14.4739 8 14.25 7.77614 14.25 7.5C14.25 7.22386 14.4739 7 14.75 7C15.0261 7 15.25 7.22386 15.25 7.5ZM9.75 7.5C9.75 7.77614 9.52614 8 9.25 8C8.97386 8 8.75 7.77614 8.75 7.5C8.75 7.22386 8.97386 7 9.25 7C9.52614 7 9.75 7.22386 9.75 7.5Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Trade Fair Communication

We create a strategy for accompanying your trade fair activities on social media and other channels. The concept includes communication measures before, during, and after the trade fair. Recommendations for lead management via newsletters complete our offering.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M13.0001 14L10.0001 11M15.0104 3.5V2M18.9498 5.06066L20.0104 4M18.9498 13L20.0104 14.0607M11.0104 5.06066L9.94979 4M20.5104 9H22.0104M6.13146 20.8686L15.3687 11.6314C15.7647 11.2354 15.9627 11.0373 16.0369 10.809C16.1022 10.6082 16.1022 10.3918 16.0369 10.191C15.9627 9.96265 15.7647 9.76465 15.3687 9.36863L14.6315 8.63137C14.2354 8.23535 14.0374 8.03735 13.8091 7.96316C13.6083 7.8979 13.3919 7.8979 13.1911 7.96316C12.9627 8.03735 12.7647 8.23535 12.3687 8.63137L3.13146 17.8686C2.73545 18.2646 2.53744 18.4627 2.46325 18.691C2.39799 18.8918 2.39799 19.1082 2.46325 19.309C2.53744 19.5373 2.73545 19.7354 3.13146 20.1314L3.86872 20.8686C4.26474 21.2646 4.46275 21.4627 4.69108 21.5368C4.89192 21.6021 5.10827 21.6021 5.30911 21.5368C5.53744 21.4627 5.73545 21.2646 6.13146 20.8686Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Mystery Visits at Trade Fairs

We optimize trade fair appearances through undercover visits. Our employees act as mystery shoppers and evaluate booth performance according to established criteria. In this way, we continuously increase the professionalism of the trade fair appearance and identify targeted improvement potential.

Email Marketing

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10 17.6586V20C10 21.1046 10.8954 22 12 22C13.1046 22 14 21.1046 14 20V17.6586M12 2V3M3 12H2M5.5 5.5L4.8999 4.8999M18.5 5.5L19.1002 4.8999M22 12H21M18 12C18 15.3137 15.3137 18 12 18C8.68629 18 6 15.3137 6 12C6 8.68629 8.68629 6 12 6C15.3137 6 18 8.68629 18 12Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Newsletter Concept

We develop customized newsletter concepts with an editorial focus. Our offering includes design templates, a mood board for visual elements, and recommendations on distribution and frequency. Basic reporting completes the concept.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M2 7L10.1649 12.7154C10.8261 13.1783 11.1567 13.4097 11.5163 13.4993C11.8339 13.5785 12.1661 13.5785 12.4837 13.4993C12.8433 13.4097 13.1739 13.1783 13.8351 12.7154L22 7M6.8 20H17.2C18.8802 20 19.7202 20 20.362 19.673C20.9265 19.3854 21.3854 18.9265 21.673 18.362C22 17.7202 22 16.8802 22 15.2V8.8C22 7.11984 22 6.27976 21.673 5.63803C21.3854 5.07354 20.9265 4.6146 20.362 4.32698C19.7202 4 18.8802 4 17.2 4H6.8C5.11984 4 4.27976 4 3.63803 4.32698C3.07354 4.6146 2.6146 5.07354 2.32698 5.63803C2 6.27976 2 7.11984 2 8.8V15.2C2 16.8802 2 17.7202 2.32698 18.362C2.6146 18.9265 3.07354 19.3854 3.63803 19.673C4.27976 20 5.11984 20 6.8 20Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Newsletter Creation

Each month, we create target group-relevant newsletters with engaging content. This includes content creation, image selection, and performance analysis. Each newsletter contains a teaser text and four short texts for informative communication.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8 7V17M12 11V17M16 15V17M22 12C22 17.5228 17.5228 22 12 22C6.47715 22 2 17.5228 2 12C2 6.47715 6.47715 2 12 2C17.5228 2 22 6.47715 22 12Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Newsletter Monitoring

We continuously analyze newsletter performance and provide regular reports on open, click, and conversion rates. By evaluating recipient interactions, we identify potential improvements for content and strategies.

Copywriting & Editing

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M11 3.99998H6.8C5.11984 3.99998 4.27976 3.99998 3.63803 4.32696C3.07354 4.61458 2.6146 5.07353 2.32698 5.63801C2 6.27975 2 7.11983 2 8.79998V17.2C2 18.8801 2 19.7202 2.32698 20.362C2.6146 20.9264 3.07354 21.3854 3.63803 21.673C4.27976 22 5.11984 22 6.8 22H15.2C16.8802 22 17.7202 22 18.362 21.673C18.9265 21.3854 19.3854 20.9264 19.673 20.362C20 19.7202 20 18.8801 20 17.2V13M7.99997 16H9.67452C10.1637 16 10.4083 16 10.6385 15.9447C10.8425 15.8957 11.0376 15.8149 11.2166 15.7053C11.4184 15.5816 11.5914 15.4086 11.9373 15.0627L21.5 5.49998C22.3284 4.67156 22.3284 3.32841 21.5 2.49998C20.6716 1.67156 19.3284 1.67155 18.5 2.49998L8.93723 12.0627C8.59133 12.4086 8.41838 12.5816 8.29469 12.7834C8.18504 12.9624 8.10423 13.1574 8.05523 13.3615C7.99997 13.5917 7.99997 13.8363 7.99997 14.3255V16Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>


We create relevant, SEO-optimized content for blogs and websites according to customer specifications. After alignment, we proceed with content creation. If needed, we also support you in finding topics for current, relevant content.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M22 7.99992V11.9999M10.25 5.49991H6.8C5.11984 5.49991 4.27976 5.49991 3.63803 5.82689C3.07354 6.11451 2.6146 6.57345 2.32698 7.13794C2 7.77968 2 8.61976 2 10.2999L2 11.4999C2 12.4318 2 12.8977 2.15224 13.2653C2.35523 13.7553 2.74458 14.1447 3.23463 14.3477C3.60218 14.4999 4.06812 14.4999 5 14.4999V18.7499C5 18.9821 5 19.0982 5.00963 19.1959C5.10316 20.1455 5.85441 20.8968 6.80397 20.9903C6.90175 20.9999 7.01783 20.9999 7.25 20.9999C7.48217 20.9999 7.59826 20.9999 7.69604 20.9903C8.64559 20.8968 9.39685 20.1455 9.49037 19.1959C9.5 19.0982 9.5 18.9821 9.5 18.7499V14.4999H10.25C12.0164 14.4999 14.1772 15.4468 15.8443 16.3556C16.8168 16.8857 17.3031 17.1508 17.6216 17.1118C17.9169 17.0756 18.1402 16.943 18.3133 16.701C18.5 16.4401 18.5 15.9179 18.5 14.8736V5.1262C18.5 4.08191 18.5 3.55976 18.3133 3.2988C18.1402 3.05681 17.9169 2.92421 17.6216 2.88804C17.3031 2.84903 16.8168 3.11411 15.8443 3.64427C14.1772 4.55302 12.0164 5.49991 10.25 5.49991Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

PR Editorial

We write press releases about products, innovations and company news. These strengthen your media presence and provide information about current developments.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10 14.5347C11.2335 13.8218 12.7663 13.8218 13.9999 14.5347M2 15L2.70149 7.98511C2.72808 7.71915 2.74138 7.58617 2.76178 7.47208C3.00222 6.12702 4.1212 5.11436 5.48352 5.00894C5.59907 5 5.73271 5 6 5M22 15L21.2985 7.98511C21.2719 7.71916 21.2586 7.58617 21.2382 7.47208C20.9978 6.12702 19.8788 5.11436 18.5165 5.00894C18.4009 5 18.2673 5 18 5M8.82843 12.1716C10.3905 13.7337 10.3905 16.2663 8.82843 17.8284C7.26634 19.3905 4.73367 19.3905 3.17157 17.8284C1.60948 16.2663 1.60948 13.7337 3.17157 12.1716C4.73366 10.6095 7.26633 10.6095 8.82843 12.1716ZM20.8284 12.1716C22.3905 13.7337 22.3905 16.2663 20.8284 17.8284C19.2663 19.3905 16.7337 19.3905 15.1716 17.8284C13.6095 16.2663 13.6095 13.7337 15.1716 12.1716C16.7337 10.6095 19.2663 10.6095 20.8284 12.1716Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Technical Articles

Our well-founded, SEO-optimized specialist articles address specific topics. We complement them with impactful graphics and tables to convey complex content clearly.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M20 12.5V6.8C20 5.11984 20 4.27976 19.673 3.63803C19.3854 3.07354 18.9265 2.6146 18.362 2.32698C17.7202 2 16.8802 2 15.2 2H8.8C7.11984 2 6.27976 2 5.63803 2.32698C5.07354 2.6146 4.6146 3.07354 4.32698 3.63803C4 4.27976 4 5.11984 4 6.8V17.2C4 18.8802 4 19.7202 4.32698 20.362C4.6146 20.9265 5.07354 21.3854 5.63803 21.673C6.27976 22 7.11984 22 8.8 22H12M14 11H8M10 15H8M16 7H8M14.5 19L16.5 21L21 16.5" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Topic Planning

We develop target group-oriented content strategies. In doing so, we define relevant topics, formats, and channels. We recommend suitable communication paths and social media approaches. A basic editorial plan rounds off the offering.


<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M9.5 8.96533C9.5 8.48805 9.5 8.24941 9.59974 8.11618C9.68666 8.00007 9.81971 7.92744 9.96438 7.9171C10.1304 7.90525 10.3311 8.03429 10.7326 8.29239L15.4532 11.3271C15.8016 11.551 15.9758 11.663 16.0359 11.8054C16.0885 11.9298 16.0885 12.0702 16.0359 12.1946C15.9758 12.337 15.8016 12.449 15.4532 12.6729L10.7326 15.7076C10.3311 15.9657 10.1304 16.0948 9.96438 16.0829C9.81971 16.0726 9.68666 15.9999 9.59974 15.8838C9.5 15.7506 9.5 15.512 9.5 15.0347V8.96533Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Photo & Video Production

We showcase your building products effectively. With product photos, image films, and 360° shots, we highlight their unique features. Our team develops visual concepts that appeal to architects and processors. This way, we help you achieve your sales goals.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 1.5H8.5C6.567 1.5 5 3.067 5 5C5 6.933 6.567 8.5 8.5 8.5M12 1.5V8.5M12 1.5H15.5C17.433 1.5 19 3.067 19 5C19 6.933 17.433 8.5 15.5 8.5M12 8.5H8.5M12 8.5V15.5M12 8.5H15.5M8.5 8.5C6.567 8.5 5 10.067 5 12C5 13.933 6.567 15.5 8.5 15.5M12 15.5H8.5M12 15.5V19C12 20.933 10.433 22.5 8.5 22.5C6.567 22.5 5 20.933 5 19C5 17.067 6.567 15.5 8.5 15.5M15.5 8.5C17.433 8.5 19 10.067 19 12C19 13.933 17.433 15.5 15.5 15.5C13.567 15.5 12 13.933 12 12C12 10.067 13.567 8.5 15.5 8.5Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Graphic Design

We create visual communication that appeals to architects and processors. From product catalogs to digital presentations, we skillfully showcase your building products. Our team develops a consistent visual identity that strengthens your brand and excites your target audience.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M17 17L22 12L17 7M7 7L2 12L7 17M14 3L10 21" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Web development

We design landing pages as well as project and campaign websites. In doing so, we rely on our understanding of your needs and develop tailor-made web solutions — from architects for architects.

Print + PDF available

Practical guide: Trade fair today – trade fair tomorrow

200 pages of practical trade fair knowledge
16 in-depth interviews and a survey of 126 (interior) architects
Concrete action recommendations and checklists
Blaues Cover des Praxis-Guides mit modernem Design.


Three people sit in a modern office and hold brochures with the words 'Digital Leaders in Architecture'. In front of them is a small glass table with drinking glasses.

Digital Leaders in Architecture: 20 minutes of know-how for all architecture techies and those who want to become one

Our services
Photo & Video Production
Social Media Concept
Content Creation
PR Editorial
Graphic Design
One hand holds an iPhone with a dark silver screen showing a residential apartment.

Reference reports for Gira: The variety of inspiring architecture projects presented to suit the target group

Our services
Reference concepts
The photo shows a collage of various Gutjahr products.

Everything is going to be a GUTJAHR: architecture communication on all channels

Our services
Strategy Consulting
Content Creation
Newsletter Concept
Exhibition concepts